Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Micron Photo Club Agenda Dec 1 2016

Your photography personal goals for 2017 here is a list of examples:
     Improve your composition, by studying other photographers, learning the photo rules, etc.
     Participate in every photo club assignment for the year
     Learn new post processing techniques
     Take on a photo project, such as a calendar, book, daily shoot, etc
     Post pictures on a regular bases to a social network
     Listen to photography podcasts
     Get photos critiqued
     Take a photography course
     Go on a photo tour
     Give a presentation at photo club
     Study other great photographers
     Ask questions - websites, club,
     Learn more about a specific photography subject:  portraits, long exposure, HDR, night, macro, street, landscape, architecture, composite, lighting, etc.

Join the Facebook group
Sharepoint site - it is linked to the

Photo Walk
     Idaho Botanical Garden 2355 Old Penitentiary Road
     Tuesday December 27th at 6:00
     Meet at the ticket gate

Review last weeks assignment

December's assignment "Lights"

Our presentation will be given by Janell Martin

From the Ilulissat Icefjord in Greenland to the Eastfjords in Iceland, my cousin and I spent 17 days traveling across breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.  Although not specifically a photo trip, we spent hours photographing the spectacular scenery.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Micron Photo Club Agenda Oct 6th

Review September assignment "Architecture"

October assignment "Fall"

Join the  Micron photo club Facebook group

Presentation by Scotty Perkins

"In the presentation we'll review several of my more well-received images and discuss how they were shot and processed. We'll cover some topics related to composition and shooting technique for more dramatic landscapes but also touch on some of the more technical aspects of processing the final product."

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

September 1st Micron Photo Club Agenda

September's assignment "Architecture"

Review August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Chuck Knowles and Glen Hush will be presenting

                The Art and power of Luminosity masks
Luminosity masks are a way to controlling selections within an image based on light and tonal range. Luminosity masks are an extremely powerful tool used in post processing that helps pinpoint and control critical parts of an image that require some fine tuning. The beauty of Luminosity masks is that the selected regions are feathered so that there is a natural blend to the adjustment being made.
Glen Hush and Chuck Knowles will presenting and demonstrating some of the key points of the Luminosity masks process flow.



       Additional Resources

September 1st Micron Photo Club Agenda

September's assignment "Architecture"

Review August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Chuck Knowles and Glen Hush will be presenting

                The Art and power of Luminosity masks
Luminosity masks are a way to controlling selections within an image based on light and tonal range. Luminosity masks are an extremely powerful tool used in post processing that helps pinpoint and control critical parts of an image that require some fine tuning. The beauty of Luminosity masks is that the selected regions are feathered so that there is a natural blend to the adjustment being made.
Glen Hush and Chuck Knowles will presenting and demonstrating some of the key points of the Luminosity masks process flow.



       Additional Resources

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 4th Micron Photo Club Agenda

August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Facebook group

Photo walk

August 13th
We have been looking for a good time and place for the next photo walk. We think we have come up with real winner. If you remember the last photo walk was the Botanical garden light show. We had a low turnout, because of the weather? Well no weather excuse this time.
The photo walk will be the farmers market in Boise. There are actually 2 farmers markets in Boise with two start times, one starts at 9:00 and the other starts at 9:30. I have been there several time and I find time to easily go to both. The best photography is before they open for business while they are setting up. I usually try to stop taking pictures when they open for business because I do not want get in the way of their livelihood.
                Food photography
                Homemade crafts
                Homemade signs
                People in action (the vendors have a ton of personality, but you have to bring it out in them)
                My recommendation is camera, no tri-pod with a 50mm full frame or 35mm crop.  But bring what you have.
                Bring some different lenses to try.
The plan;
o   Meet at the corner of Grove and 11th at 8:15. For the Boise Farmers Market
o   At 9:00 or when you are done at the Boise Market, head over to Main and 8th for the Capital City market. We can shoot there until 9:30 when it opens.


Photography question
I would like to know the differences of the four different light meter modes and how they interact with exposure compensation and ​focus points.     Does the manual mode,  aperture, iso and f stop selections have an effect on the selected light meter readings?
Metering modes explained

Presentation Glen Hush
Glen has had the opportunity to photograph brown bears at the McNeil rive in Alaska, he will share some of his pictures and talk about his experiences.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Micron Photo Club Agenda July 7th

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
Elliott Erwitt

Photo club questions:
Why do I need a telephoto lens?  What can I do with the lens?
What is digital zoom?
A 50mm lens is considered normal lens by most people, anything above that is telephoto.
Reasons for a telephoto, to get close, to isolate your subject, to create bokeh or shallow depth of field, to change perspective, portraits.
A good article from Cambride in Colour blog about using telephoto lens.

Digital zoom is zooming in on the image sensor, doing so you lose resolution.

July's assignment "Perspective"
Get low, get high.  Perspective in photography - by Sudipta Shaw

Review June's assignment "Red"

This month's presentation will be on equipment.  Part of the equipment talk Chuck Knowles will go over what is in his bag.

When Ansel Adams was asked what size camera to use.  The answer "the biggest one you can carry".

Gear guide from the website Improve Photography

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Micron Photography Club June 2nd Agenda

Review pictures from May's assignment "leading lines"

June's assignment "Red"

Presentation by Glen Hush
Glen is going to present some post processing techniques, we had a couple of people submit photos to Glen and he will show what he would do to post process them.  Glen has done this in the past and it is always a wonderful learning experience.  Glen is a master at Photoshop and has taught classes on the tool.

This picture is an example of Glen taking a club members (Richard Puzio) picture and post processing it.

Some of Glen's Pictures

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Micron Photo Club Agenda May 5th 2016

May photo assignment "Leading Lines"

Review last month's assignment "Night Shots"

Our presentation is by David Swindler.

David was a member of our photo club and has gone on to chase his passion in photography.  He currently runs a business taking people on photo trips.  Here is his website Action Photo Tours

Despite many great improvements in image sensor design, modern cameras still struggle to capture the full dynamic range of light.  That is why many landscape photos look dull or uninteresting after we get home and view them on the computer. In particular, any nice glow or subtle color from the light is often missing. In this presentation, David Swindler will talk about several post-processing methods to help restore the natural glow in images and tone down unwanted highlights. We’ll begin with a brief discussion of Photoshop blend modes and luminosity masks and then move into the techniques by looking at various examples. When used judiciously, these post-processing methods can dramatically improve the final look of your images.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Micron Photo Club Agenda April 7th 2016

Nik software - is now available for free to download, they are plug in to either Lightroom or Photoshop, and Photoshop Elements.  If you are concerned about cost you can get Photoshop Elements from Best Buy for $69.99

Vishwanath Bhat - is one of our club members who is moving to India and will be concentrating on photography, he has a website click on his name to access it.  We will miss him but will be able to enjoy what he is doing through his website.

April's assignment - "Night Shots"
Shoot at night and learn to do night photography, there are lots of different things to do and it is a way to be very creative.  Some of the things you can do: star trails, car trails, lightning, milky way, light painting, moon, city skylines, fireworks, caves, lakes, rivers, streets, etc.  A cool photographer Eric Curry does some really neat light painting.

Review March's assignment "Fill the Frame"

Presentation - Dylan Macmaster

Images captured at night often create a mood and feel that is unlike photos taken during the day.  While taking photographs at night may pose some new challenges and push you to learn new techniques, your payback is the chance to create some really unique images that will stand out from many of the typical “postcard” shots that are possible.  Another benefit of taking night shots is that it often gives you a chance to bask in the solitude of even some of the most famous and popular locations without the hustle and bustle of daylight crowds. 

Milky Way over Little Redfish Lake; the light above the mountains is from the light pollution of Boise

Due to lack of familiarity and the fact that night photography requires a slightly different set of skills, many photographers simply put their camera away and "call it a day" after sunset.  This presentation will attempt to familiarize you with some of the obstacles you may encounter at night and enable you to “see” into that darkness and get some shots that will hopefully not only amaze your family and friends but yourself as well.

You never know exactly what you’re going to get when you go out at night.  But I can honestly say that I can’t remember a night that I’ve been out shooting and didn’t come back with at least one image that I was excited about.  The trick is to know your gear and what shooting options you have, then assess the night conditions when you get there and figure out how to best create your own mystical nightscape image.  Years ago when on the Oregon Coast, I was excited to go out and shoot the stars above Canon beach.  When the sun left, the clouds arrived and the stars were a fading dream.   But I still went out to see what I could come away with and not only did I get to enjoy the beach all to myself, I was able to come away with some pretty unique images that were very different than what I had planned but all the better for it!

The Needles at Canon Beach – 4 minute exposure taken at midnight; lights from fishing boats creating a sunset-like glow on the horizon

I’ve been shooting Nightscapes now for about 6 years and have definitely had a lot of fun and I’ll do my best to share some of what I’ve learned and hopefully enable you to go out and enjoy some night photography as well.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3rd Micron Photo Club Agenda

This month's assignment "Fill The Frame"

One of the techniques of composition is to fill the frame.  There's an old adage in photography that says if you want to improve your photographs 100 percent, move closer.

Review last month's assignment "Still Life"

Presentation by Chuck Knowles -
Chuck will be giving a presentation on Still Life at the meeting. He is am going to bring in a small shooting tent that he uses. He will be giving a demonstration on his setup and how to shooting still life.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Micron Photography Club Agenda Feb 4th

Our assignment this month is "Still Life"

Review last month's assignment "Winter"

This month's presentation is by Brent Lindsay

Brent is going to present how to improve you photography by controlling the light.  To improve you need to gain knowledge of how to create compositions and master the technical aspects of photography.  Using this knowledge we can control the light.