Nik software - is now available for free to download, they are plug in to either Lightroom or Photoshop, and Photoshop Elements. If you are concerned about cost you can get Photoshop Elements from Best Buy for $69.99
Vishwanath Bhat - is one of our club members who is moving to India and will be concentrating on photography, he has a website click on his name to access it. We will miss him but will be able to enjoy what he is doing through his website.
April's assignment - "
Night Shots"
Shoot at night and learn to do night photography, there are lots of different things to do and it is a way to be very creative. Some of the things you can do: star trails, car trails, lightning, milky way, light painting, moon, city skylines, fireworks, caves, lakes, rivers, streets, etc. A cool photographer
Eric Curry does some really neat light painting.
Review March's assignment "
Fill the Frame"
Presentation -
Dylan Macmaster
Images captured at night often create a mood and feel that
is unlike photos taken during the day. While taking photographs at night
may pose some new challenges and push you to learn new techniques, your payback
is the chance to create some really unique images that will stand out from many
of the typical “postcard” shots that are possible. Another benefit of
taking night shots is that it often gives you a chance to bask in the solitude
of even some of the most famous and popular locations without the hustle and
bustle of daylight crowds.
Milky Way over Little Redfish Lake;
the light above the mountains is from the light pollution of Boise
Due to lack of familiarity and the fact that night
photography requires a slightly different set of skills, many photographers
simply put their camera away and "call it a day" after sunset.
This presentation will attempt to familiarize you with some of the obstacles
you may encounter at night and enable you to “see” into that darkness and get
some shots that will hopefully not only amaze your family and friends but
yourself as well.
You never know exactly what you’re going to get when you go
out at night. But I can honestly say that I can’t remember a night that
I’ve been out shooting and didn’t come back with at least one image that I was
excited about. The trick is to know your gear and what shooting options
you have, then assess the night conditions when you get there and figure out
how to best create your own mystical nightscape image. Years ago when on
the Oregon Coast, I was excited to go out and shoot the stars above Canon
beach. When the sun left, the clouds arrived and the stars were a fading
dream. But I still went out to see what I could come away with and
not only did I get to enjoy the beach all to myself, I was able to come away
with some pretty unique images that were very different than what I had planned
but all the better for it!
Needles at Canon Beach – 4 minute exposure taken at midnight; lights from
fishing boats creating a sunset-like glow on the horizon
I’ve been shooting Nightscapes now for about 6 years and
have definitely had a lot of fun and I’ll do my best to share some of what I’ve
learned and hopefully enable you to go out and enjoy some night photography as