Tuesday, August 30, 2016

September 1st Micron Photo Club Agenda

September's assignment "Architecture"

Review August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Chuck Knowles and Glen Hush will be presenting

                The Art and power of Luminosity masks
Luminosity masks are a way to controlling selections within an image based on light and tonal range. Luminosity masks are an extremely powerful tool used in post processing that helps pinpoint and control critical parts of an image that require some fine tuning. The beauty of Luminosity masks is that the selected regions are feathered so that there is a natural blend to the adjustment being made.
Glen Hush and Chuck Knowles will presenting and demonstrating some of the key points of the Luminosity masks process flow.



       Additional Resources

September 1st Micron Photo Club Agenda

September's assignment "Architecture"

Review August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Chuck Knowles and Glen Hush will be presenting

                The Art and power of Luminosity masks
Luminosity masks are a way to controlling selections within an image based on light and tonal range. Luminosity masks are an extremely powerful tool used in post processing that helps pinpoint and control critical parts of an image that require some fine tuning. The beauty of Luminosity masks is that the selected regions are feathered so that there is a natural blend to the adjustment being made.
Glen Hush and Chuck Knowles will presenting and demonstrating some of the key points of the Luminosity masks process flow.



       Additional Resources

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

August 4th Micron Photo Club Agenda

August assignment "Patterns / Textures"

Facebook group

Photo walk

August 13th
We have been looking for a good time and place for the next photo walk. We think we have come up with real winner. If you remember the last photo walk was the Botanical garden light show. We had a low turnout, because of the weather? Well no weather excuse this time.
The photo walk will be the farmers market in Boise. There are actually 2 farmers markets in Boise with two start times, one starts at 9:00 and the other starts at 9:30. I have been there several time and I find time to easily go to both. The best photography is before they open for business while they are setting up. I usually try to stop taking pictures when they open for business because I do not want get in the way of their livelihood.
                Food photography
                Homemade crafts
                Homemade signs
                People in action (the vendors have a ton of personality, but you have to bring it out in them)
                My recommendation is camera, no tri-pod with a 50mm full frame or 35mm crop.  But bring what you have.
                Bring some different lenses to try.
The plan;
o   Meet at the corner of Grove and 11th at 8:15. For the Boise Farmers Market
o   At 9:00 or when you are done at the Boise Market, head over to Main and 8th for the Capital City market. We can shoot there until 9:30 when it opens.


Photography question
I would like to know the differences of the four different light meter modes and how they interact with exposure compensation and ​focus points.     Does the manual mode,  aperture, iso and f stop selections have an effect on the selected light meter readings?
Metering modes explained

Presentation Glen Hush
Glen has had the opportunity to photograph brown bears at the McNeil rive in Alaska, he will share some of his pictures and talk about his experiences.