Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Micron Photo Club Agenda September 5th 

Photo Opportunities

Review July/August Assignment "Self Portrait"

September Photo assignment 

Use a different Lens
         Take pictures with your least used lens in your bag, or rent a lens you have always wanted to try. Share your experiences with the club. 


Tilt Shift

Fish Eye

This Months presentation

               Plil Morrow from Whole Brain Photo


The company started when Phil saw a need for a camera rental business in the Treasure Valley. There was nowhere in town to rent a flash, lens, camera or even get a photography lesson! Phil thought to himself, “I’m tired of saying no [to potential customers].” So, he took his idea and started to figure out a way to rent equipment to local photographers and filmmakers in the Boise, Idaho area. As a photographer and collector of digital and film camera equipment, Phil had quite the selection of lenses and camera bodies. He also had a good idea of what potential customers would be interested in renting, so he invested in two full-frame cameras and then made a large purchase of lenses.