Micron Photo Club Agenda September 7th 2023
1. Review this month's Assignment "Sharp"
Next Month’s Assignment "Wild-Life"
2. This month presentation we get a real treat. In the survey we send out to the Club, one of the topics folks would most like to learn was Wildlife photography. Glen will be sharing some of his experience and wisdom in a talk about Wildlife Photography. I consider Glen to be one of the best Wildlife photographers around. I'll bet he will have some pictures to share too. This is one you do not want to miss, and yes you can watch the recording later, but you will want to be there to ask questions.
4. Hot did you do in the fair! How many blue ribbons.
5. Did you get to the Spirit of Boise Ballon Festival?
We are starting to put plans together for a Photo Walk towards the end of October for fall colors. So be ready.