Micron Photo Club Agenda May 5th 2022"
Review this months
Assignment "Spring"
Next Month’s Assignment
"Complimentary Color"
This month’s
Presentation is from Chuck Knowles who will be introducing the concept of using
Luminosity Masks in your workflow and demonstrate how to use them.
4. The Arroeleaf Balsamroot are in full bloom in the foothills. They are yellow flowers. Great opportunity for complimentary colors, Yellow flowers and Blue sky.
Chuck has been using
Luminosity Masks to help create his images for about 5 years now. They
have become an intragyral part of his workflow for almost every image
processed. It offers the highest level of control allowing adjustments to an
image at the Pixel level.
Luminosity masks are selections based on a pixel’s luminosity value. This means you can accurately select only the bright, dark or mid tone pixels. We can refine these selections to affect only the brightest bright or the darkest darks, and use them as layer masks for our adjustments.