Wednesday, January 10, 2024

                     Micron Photo Club Agenda January 11th 2024 


1.       Review this month's Assignment "Night and holiday lights"  
 Next Month’s Assignment "Your Best 2023 Image"  

2.       This month's presentation is to teach the basics of how to do dance photography.  Michael Lee who has been photographing Dance for many years. I have seen some of his images and they are outstanding. Michael has presented for our club before. Expect to get some great tips and see some incredible photography!

3. We had our Holiday Christmas Lights Photowalk last week of 2023. It was a lot of fun. We walked from the Grove to the Capital and took pictures of a lot of things in-between. You can head on over to the PhotoWalk gallery on our club's site and check some of the images out.  

4. This is a good time of year to review the pictures you have taken in 2023. I like to do this every year. I choose some of my favorites and to a 2023 favorites gallery. I use this gallery when I need pictures for photo contests I am entering, or making calendars or cards, or just to show off to family. Our assignment for this month is to share your best shot of the year! 

Michael Lee's Boi

I started photography in the 1960s with a Brownie Hawkeye camera. I got into competitive Ballroom Dance in the later 1970s. I worked my way through school as the University’s fine arts photographer. I also managed a couple of camera stores. (Remember when local camera stores were a thing?)


I married a dancer who graduated with a degree in photography. We have kids that dance competitively and professionally. Our youngest daughter has a degree in media arts with an emphasis in videography. She is a working photographer/videographer and dances competitively at the National level. Our middle daughter works as a degree in dance and works as a dance instructor. We have grandkids that dance and compete. My wife and I have been teaching dance classes for the last 15 years. Needless to say I have had a little practice doing dance photography and videography.


My presentation will be focused on helping others improve their dance photography, whether it be of young children during a recital or advanced dancers performing and competing.