Monday, April 19, 2010

May 6th Agenda

Club Business

Assignment Review "Red"

Taking landscapes by Charles Knowles

The gifts to a photographer are in those moments ust after sunrise or just before sunset, never knowing what Mother Nature will present you.  Some elements can be controlled or predicted, like the location and the moon's cycle, but will the clouds cooperate?  Will the moon be visible? Will it rain, snaow ore will ther be a dust storm?  All of these variables become the tools of design and will help build your art and control your outcome.  You have no control over Mother Nature.  What you do have control of is how you use nature to build and create your art. Visualization must be tactical and change for the moment .  Strategy come in to play when deciding where to go for your next photography adventure and when.
From where the sun rise
To where the sun sets
The world is my Canvas
2008 Charles Knowles

Photography Tip Glen Hush "How to work with Trees"

May's Assignment "Smoke"
Here is a setup how to shoot smoke

June's Presentation by Dylan Macmaster "Night Photography"