June assignment Nightscapes
Lets combine what we learned from Chuck's presentation last month and Dylan's presentation this month to get some great Night shots
Presentation by Dylan MacMaster "Nightscapes"
Images captured at night often create a mood and feel that is unlike photos taken during the day. While taking photographs at night may pose some new challenges and push you to learn new techniques, your payback is the chance to create some really unique images that will stand out from many of the typical “postcard” shots that are possible. Another benefit of taking night shots is that it often gives the photographer a chance to bask in the solitude of even some of the most famous and popular locations without the hustle and bustle of daylight crowds.
Due to lack of familiarity, and since night photos are often highly technical, many photographers simply put their camera away and "call it a day" after sunset. Seeking to familiarize you with some of the obstacles you may encounter at night, Dylan’s presentation will focus on a few night photography tips, specialty gear used, a review of nocturnal light sources, and some general step-by-step guides for various shots like: landscapes by moonlight, urban shots, star trails, lightpainting, and more.
If time remaining Glen Hush "Photoshop tip"