Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Micron Photo Club agenda October 3rd

Photo Opportunities

Review September Assignment "Use a Different Lens"

October Assignment "Fall Color"
          Yes it is that time of year again. The leaves will start changing color here in the valley soon. To help with this assignment we will be scheduling a Photo Walk later in the month.

This months presentation

Glen will be sharing ideas on different methods of backing up your image and files, along with some key wording techniques to help find images in year to come.  

The question has come up on many occasions; where can I save all of files, back them up, and be able to find them again later? How can I be safe if I loose a hard drive? will I loose all of the data stored on that? How can I be safe?! Glen will address some of these issues. Might even be sprinkled with some Lightroom techniques too.