Wednesday, August 2, 2023

                     Micron Photo Club Agenda August 3rd 2023 


1.       Review this month's Assignment "The Heat is on"
Next Month’s Assignment "Sharp" You decide what this means, be creative! 

2.       This month we take a break from our yearlong series on the Fundamentals of Photography. We welcome Andy Goris who will be sharing his knowledge on image sharpness.

4. Reminder, the fair is coming up. Have you printed your entry yet? August 15th and 16th are the dates to enter.

5. Spirit of Boise Ballon Festival coming 8/30 through 9/3. 

Andy Goris Background: 

     I was an electrical engineer for 40 years, starting at Hewlett Packard in 1979, working on computer graphics accelerators until 2000 when I joined HP's digital camera team.  In 2012 I retired from HP and joined Microsoft to work on cameras and sensors for the HoloLens augmented reality computer until I retired 2 years ago, April 2021.  I had about 20 years in the camera design business.