Wednesday, October 11, 2023

                       Micron Photo Club Agenda October 12th 2023 


1.       Review this month's Assignment "Wild-Life"
Next Month’s Assignment "Fall Color"  

2.       This month presentation will be on taking family photos. In the survey we send out to the Club, one of the topics folks would most like to learn was on taking better family photos. Glen will be sharing some of his experience and techniques on how to take better family pictures. 

3. We have a photowalk planned for Saturday October 28th at the MK Nature Center. OCM and E-mail with details will be send out soon. Should be a great time to get out with a camera and shoot some fall color!   

4. We are about at the end of our Fundamentals of Photography Series. So far, we have presented on (Composition, Smart Phot and Selfie's, Landscape, Lightroom Baics, Portrait and Posing, Sharpening, Wildlife, and this week Family) The question we will bring up at the meeting is "What Else". We plan to have one more month of Fundamentals then get back to other presentations for the club. So bring your ideas to the meeting Thursday of send me an E-mail of what else you would like.