Wednesday, May 1, 2024

                       Micron Photo Club Agenda May 2nd 2024 


1.       Review this month's Assignment "April Showers" and "Leading Lines."  
 Next Month’s Assignment is a double too and focused on rules of composition, "Two of a kind" and "Triangles"

2. We are sticking with the two topic assignments, one relating to the last presentation, the second to one of the rules of composition. Complete just one, or if you want to step up to the challenge, do both. 

3. We are starting to put together a plan for a PhotoWalk in May to shoot some wildflowers up in the foothills. 

4.  This month's presentation will start with Chuck Knowles sharing some tips and recommendations on file storage and redundancy. With what time is left, Glen will be sharing some more tips on photoshop and or lightroom. It will also be a good time to ask any question anyone may have about anything.